The BlogPost component provides a flexible way to display an <article>
element with customizable content including title, description, image, etc.

Use the title
prop to display the title of the BlogPost.
Introducing Nuxt Icon v1
<UBlogPost title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1" />
Use the description
prop to display the description of the BlogPost.
Introducing Nuxt Icon v1
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
Use the date
prop to display the date of the BlogPost.
object or a string.Introducing Nuxt Icon v1
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
Use the badge
prop to display a Badge in the BlogPost.
Introducing Nuxt Icon v1
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
You can pass any property from the Badge component to customize it.
Introducing Nuxt Icon v1
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
label: 'Release',
color: 'primary',
variant: 'solid'
Use the image
prop to display an image in the BlogPost.

Introducing Nuxt Icon v1
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
Use the authors
prop to display a list of User in the BlogPost as an array of objects with the following properties:
name?: string
description?: string
avatar?: Omit<AvatarProps, 'size'>
chip?: boolean | Omit<ChipProps, 'size' | 'inset'>
size?: UserVariants['size']
orientation?: UserVariants['orientation']
You can pass any property from the Link component such as to
, target
, etc.
<script setup lang="ts">
const authors = ref([
name: 'Anthony Fu',
description: 'antfu7',
avatar: {
src: 'https://github.com/antfu.png'
to: 'https://github.com/antfu',
target: '_blank'
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
When the authors
prop has more than one item, the AvatarGroup component is used.
<script setup lang="ts">
const authors = ref([
name: 'Anthony Fu',
description: 'antfu7',
avatar: {
src: 'https://github.com/antfu.png'
to: 'https://github.com/antfu',
target: '_blank'
name: 'Benjamin Canac',
description: 'benjamincanac',
avatar: {
src: 'https://github.com/benjamincanac.png'
to: 'https://github.com/benjamincanac',
target: '_blank'
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
You can pass any property from the <NuxtLink>
component such as to
, target
, rel
, etc.
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
Use the variant
prop to change the style of the BlogPost.
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
prop or an image
Use the orientation
prop to change the BlogPost orientation. Defaults to vertical
title="Introducing Nuxt Icon v1"
description="Discover Nuxt Icon v1 - a modern, versatile, and customizable icon solution for your Nuxt projects."
Prop | Default | Type |
as |
The element or component this component should render as. |
title |
| |
description |
| |
date |
The date of the blog post. Can be a string or a Date object. | |
badge |
Display a badge on the blog post.
Can be a string or an object.
| |
authors |
The authors of the blog post.
| |
image |
The image of the blog post. Can be a string or an object. | |
orientation |
The orientation of the blog post. |
variant |
to |
| |
target |
| |
ui |
Slot | Type |
date |
badge |
title |
description |
authors |
header |
body |
footer |
export default defineAppConfig({
uiPro: {
blogPost: {
slots: {
root: 'relative group/blog-post flex flex-col rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)] overflow-hidden',
header: 'relative overflow-hidden aspect-[16/9] w-full pointer-events-none',
body: 'min-w-0 flex-1 flex flex-col',
footer: '',
image: 'object-cover object-top w-full h-full',
title: 'text-xl text-pretty font-semibold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
description: 'mt-1 text-base text-pretty',
authors: 'pt-4 mt-auto flex flex-wrap gap-x-3 gap-y-1.5',
avatar: '',
meta: 'flex items-center gap-2 mb-2',
date: 'text-sm',
badge: ''
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
root: 'lg:grid lg:grid-cols-2 lg:items-center gap-x-8',
body: 'justify-center p-4 sm:p-6 lg:px-0'
vertical: {
root: 'flex flex-col',
body: 'p-4 sm:p-6'
variant: {
outline: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-(--ui-border)',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
soft: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
subtle: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 ring ring-(--ui-border)',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
ghost: {
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
header: 'shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]'
naked: {
root: 'p-0 sm:p-0',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
header: 'shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]'
to: {
true: {
root: [
image: 'transform transition-transform duration-200 group-hover/blog-post:scale-110',
avatar: 'transform transition-transform duration-200 hover:scale-115'
image: {
true: ''
compoundVariants: [
variant: 'outline',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50'
variant: 'soft',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
variant: 'subtle',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) hover:ring-(--ui-border-accented)'
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
header: [
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
orientation: 'vertical',
class: {
header: 'group-hover/blog-post:rounded-b-none'
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
orientation: 'horizontal',
class: {
header: 'group-hover/blog-post:rounded-r-none'
orientation: 'vertical',
image: false,
variant: 'naked',
class: {
body: 'p-0 sm:p-0'
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'outline'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
uiPro: {
blogPost: {
slots: {
root: 'relative group/blog-post flex flex-col rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)] overflow-hidden',
header: 'relative overflow-hidden aspect-[16/9] w-full pointer-events-none',
body: 'min-w-0 flex-1 flex flex-col',
footer: '',
image: 'object-cover object-top w-full h-full',
title: 'text-xl text-pretty font-semibold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
description: 'mt-1 text-base text-pretty',
authors: 'pt-4 mt-auto flex flex-wrap gap-x-3 gap-y-1.5',
avatar: '',
meta: 'flex items-center gap-2 mb-2',
date: 'text-sm',
badge: ''
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
root: 'lg:grid lg:grid-cols-2 lg:items-center gap-x-8',
body: 'justify-center p-4 sm:p-6 lg:px-0'
vertical: {
root: 'flex flex-col',
body: 'p-4 sm:p-6'
variant: {
outline: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-(--ui-border)',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
soft: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
subtle: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 ring ring-(--ui-border)',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
ghost: {
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
header: 'shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]'
naked: {
root: 'p-0 sm:p-0',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
header: 'shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]'
to: {
true: {
root: [
image: 'transform transition-transform duration-200 group-hover/blog-post:scale-110',
avatar: 'transform transition-transform duration-200 hover:scale-115'
image: {
true: ''
compoundVariants: [
variant: 'outline',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50'
variant: 'soft',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
variant: 'subtle',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) hover:ring-(--ui-border-accented)'
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
header: [
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
orientation: 'vertical',
class: {
header: 'group-hover/blog-post:rounded-b-none'
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
orientation: 'horizontal',
class: {
header: 'group-hover/blog-post:rounded-r-none'
orientation: 'vertical',
image: false,
variant: 'naked',
class: {
body: 'p-0 sm:p-0'
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'outline'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
uiPro: {
blogPost: {
slots: {
root: 'relative group/blog-post flex flex-col rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)] overflow-hidden',
header: 'relative overflow-hidden aspect-[16/9] w-full pointer-events-none',
body: 'min-w-0 flex-1 flex flex-col',
footer: '',
image: 'object-cover object-top w-full h-full',
title: 'text-xl text-pretty font-semibold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
description: 'mt-1 text-base text-pretty',
authors: 'pt-4 mt-auto flex flex-wrap gap-x-3 gap-y-1.5',
avatar: '',
meta: 'flex items-center gap-2 mb-2',
date: 'text-sm',
badge: ''
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
root: 'lg:grid lg:grid-cols-2 lg:items-center gap-x-8',
body: 'justify-center p-4 sm:p-6 lg:px-0'
vertical: {
root: 'flex flex-col',
body: 'p-4 sm:p-6'
variant: {
outline: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-(--ui-border)',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
soft: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
subtle: {
root: 'bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 ring ring-(--ui-border)',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)'
ghost: {
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
header: 'shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]'
naked: {
root: 'p-0 sm:p-0',
date: 'text-(--ui-text-toned)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
header: 'shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*2)]'
to: {
true: {
root: [
image: 'transform transition-transform duration-200 group-hover/blog-post:scale-110',
avatar: 'transform transition-transform duration-200 hover:scale-115'
image: {
true: ''
compoundVariants: [
variant: 'outline',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50'
variant: 'soft',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
variant: 'subtle',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) hover:ring-(--ui-border-accented)'
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
class: {
root: 'hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
header: [
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
orientation: 'vertical',
class: {
header: 'group-hover/blog-post:rounded-b-none'
variant: 'ghost',
to: true,
orientation: 'horizontal',
class: {
header: 'group-hover/blog-post:rounded-r-none'
orientation: 'vertical',
image: false,
variant: 'naked',
class: {
body: 'p-0 sm:p-0'
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'outline'